The Company History
The founder
Products 1940
Medals 1951/52
Construction in Ainring
Development GASPRUF
Business premises Ainring
Products 1975
Products 1990
Otto Fahsig EDV
DVGW Approvement

Meanwhile "GASPRUF-Paste" developed into our main product. Soon we added the products "GASPRUF-Flüssig" and "GASPRUF-Spezial" which both received the DVGW approvement No. G75 e 235 of the Deutscher Ver­ein der Gas- und Wasser­fach­männer (DVGW) (engl.: German society of the experts on gas and water) in, 1975.

In this year, when conservation and eco-friendly were not spoken of, "GASPRUF-Flüssig" was the only leak detecting agent without an aerosol propellant in the whole European market. As a result of the ecological awareness that has increased more and more since then, our product could capture a wider range of the market.

In 1982, "GASPRUF-Flüssig" received the DVGW approvement according to the new DIN 30675 (Deutsche Industrie Norm; German Industrie Standard). This signifies that we have the only leak detecting agent without an aerosol propellant with DIN-DVGW-acceptance thus far.

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